We’re looking for environmental leaders to endorse during the 2021 Federal Election.
In a typical election, our team spends months researching candidates who have demonstrated environmental leadership. With signs pointing to a snap election call soon, we’ll only have a few weeks this time around. That’s why we need your help to find the top environmental leaders, from all major parties, running for office.
Nominate yourself or someone you know using our self-nomination form or our third-party nomination form.
Parliament Hill needs more environmental leaders. Endorsements help more leaders get to office where they can effect change for the environment.
In the 2019 federal election, we endorsed 27 candidates from all major parties, 16 of whom won.
Our endorsements help drive attention, money and volunteer time to endorsees’ campaigns. They help candidates to validate their environmental credentials as they talk to voters.
Endorsees are chosen by our expert panel, made up of credible, independent experts who have no ties to political parties.