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100 Debates on the Environment had a simple mission: to make the environment an issue that no party and no candidate can ignore by organizing non-partisan, all-candidates debates on the environment in ridings across Canada. We helped local organizers hold over 180 debates across two federal elections and one provincial election.

Looking to organize a debate? We have a ton of helpful PDFs and a 16-video "how to" video series on our partner organization's website. Check out Environmental Leadership Canada's resource page.

During the 2019 federal election, 100 Debates on the Environment coordinated 104 Debates alongside partner, Équiterre. 

And during 2021's snap election, we mobilized over 70 debates in 8 provinces during the snap election. Debates saw over 6,000 attendees, with recordings garnering over 10,000 additional views.

These debates reinforced that the environment and, specifically, climate change, is not just a top election issue but that voters expect concrete solutions and action.

About 100 Debates

Debates are a crucial tool in any democracy. They let candidates know what the concerns of their constituents are and they allow the local community to hear from candidates on the issues that matter most to them, like climate change.

During the Ontario 2022 Provincial election, 88% of debate attendees said that the debate they attended helped inform their voting decision.

And it's not just attendees that get a lot out of debates. Organizers gain the skills they need to be effective advocates - meeting like-minded people, building their professional networks, and increasing not just their own, but their community's capacity, to organize.

100 Debates on the Environment works hands-on with organizers to ensure they have everything they need to pull off a great debate:

-A comprehensive debate organizing toolkit and video resources

-Extensive templates for inviting candidates, engaging media, etc.

-Checklists, tech support, and more!

Every debate is unique and requires different levels of support in different areas - we've worked with student groups, local environmental groups, business associations, and of course, every day people!

Why Debate?

Going Forward

In Fall 2023, Environmental Leadership Canada, a registered Canadian charity, took over delivery of the 100 Debates on the Environment. GreenPAC will continue to support 100 Debates with the expertise, resources, and foundation that we’ve built in founding 100 Debates. For the most up-to-date information about the program, check out ELC's website.

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