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Climate at the Ballot Box

Special Guests: Shachi Kurl, Éric Grenier, Andrew Enns, David McKie

June 2024

#Budget2024: Environmental Implications

Kendall Anderson, Alex Callahan, Corey Diamond, Shakti Ramkumar

April 2024

Breakfast on the Hill 2023

Special Guests: The Hon. Steven Guilbeault (Minister of Environment and Climate Change), the Hon. Michael Chong (Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs)

October 2023

Taking Stock on Canada's Environmental Progress

Special Guests: David McKie (Moderator), Cloy-e-iis, Dr. Judith Sayers, Inayat Dingh, Prof. Kathryn Harrison

September 2023

Youth Environmental Leaders: Personal Branding & Storytelling Workshop

In partnership with Environtastic and Ecology Ottawa.

Special Guests: MPP Joel Harden, MPP Chandra Pasma, Arthur Thuot (Storytelling Corp), Kelsey Lane, Camilla Stanley.

June 2023

Youth Councils to Environmental Action: A Conversation with Young Leaders

In partnership with the Canadian Council for Youth Prosperity & Sustainable Youth Canada. Special Guests: Abhay Singh Sachal, Annie Martel, Haruka Aoyama, Skw'akw'as (Sunshine) Lillian and Shir Gruber.

May 2023

Letters for Leadership: An Earth Day Workshop for Youth

In partnership with Youth Climate Lab.

Special Guests: Jonathan Pedneault (Deputy Leader of the Green Party of Canada), Soomin Han

April 2023

#Budget2023: Analysis & Implications for Environmental Progress in Canada

Special Guests: Marisa Beck, Dr. Runa Das, Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood, Shakti Ramkumar

March 2023

Unpacking Private Members' Bills

Special Guests: Lenore Zann (Former MPP & MP), Lynn Jones, MP Richard Cannings

February 2023

Workshop: Canada's Federal Budget & How to Advocate for the Environment

Special Guests: Andrew Van Iterson (Manager of the Green Budget Coalition)

November 2022

Breakfast on the Hill 2022

Special Guests: Valérie Courtois, MP Julie Dabrusin, The Hon. Joyce Murray, MP Dan Mazier, Soomin Han

November 2022

Navigating the Post-Election Government Landscape in Ontario

Special Guests: Aaron Freeman, Matthew Lie-Paehlke

July 2022

FLIP 2.0 (Future Leaders in Politics)

Special Guests: Keynote address by Dr. Amita Kuttner, MP Lori Idlout, Dr. Hayden King, MP Mike Morrice, Tria Donaldson, the Hon. Lisa Raitt, Dr. Devyani Singh, MP Richard Cannings, and many more!

January 2022

Environmental Leadership in the Canadian Senate

Special Guests: Senator Mary Coyle, Senator Stan Kutcher, Senator Rosa Galvez and the Hon. Grant Mitchell.

June 2022

Championing the Environment on the Hill

Special Guests: MP Elizabeth May, MP Michael Chong, MP Julie Dabrusin, MP Monique Pauzé, MP Richard Cannings, and Senator Mary Coyle.

November 2021

The FLIP Summit (Future Leaders in Politics)

Special Guests: MP Elizabeth May, Former Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Environment & Climate Change Steven Guilbeault, keynote speaker Dr. Ingrid Waldron, the Hon. Bowinn Ma, and more!

May 2021

A Debrief on COP26

Special Guests: Simon Dyer, Vince Gasparro, Sarah Hanson.

November 2021

Breakfast on the Web

Special Guests: The Hon. Catherine McKenna, MP Taylor Bachrach, MP Jenica Atwin, MP Eric Duncan, and the Hon. Joyce Murray.

April 2021

Implications of the U.S. Election

Special Guests: John Podesta, Senator Rosa Galvez, and then-Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Jonathan Wilkinson.

January 2021



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